J. D. Salinger (1919-2010)
v J.
D Salinger is one of America's most famous and mysterious authors, best known
for his controversial, yet popular, and semi-autobiographical novel The
Catcher in the Rye.
v Several
schools banned the book due to swearing and loose morals. Some teachers were
even fired for assigning it to their students. At the same time, it's one of
the most widely read books in school.
v The
Catcher in the Rye gained infamy when found in the pocket of Lee Harvey
Oswald, after he shot John F Kennedy. Many speculated what role the book may
have played in a conspiracy.
v Salinger
also wrote a series of short stories about the Glass family, a fictional
household of child prodigies, suffering from a variety of traumas. It was the
inspiration for Wes Anderson's film The Royal Tenenbaums.
v Salinger
published his last book in 1965, choosing to live the rest of his life on a
secluded farm in New Hampshire. He gave one last interview in 1980.
v There
has been much speculation as to what Salinger wrote in private, and if it will
ever be published. According to his daughter Margaret, he had at least fifteen
novels ready for print.
v Salinger
got into a legal battle with biographer Ian Hamilton, which Salinger won, since
Ian wanted to include many private, personal letters that invaded Salinger's
privacy. But, since the court transcripts were public, people soon learned what
was written anyway.
v Several
memoirs by Salinger's close relations give conflicting reports of who Salinger
was and what he was like. Son Matthew wrote of his sister's memoir, "I can't say with any authority that
she is consciously making anything up. I just know that I grew up in a very
different house, with two very different parents from those my sister
Personal Life:
Jerome David Salinger was born into a middle-class, Jewish
family in New York City. His father sold cheese. Jerry Salinger went to a
military academy, as his father wanted him to become a soldier. J. D. liked
After high school, Salinger
dropped out of two colleges before finding a mentor at an evening class at
Columbia University, Whit Burnett, who was also editor of Story
Magazine. Whit helped publish Salinger's first works. In 1941, Salinger dated
Oona O'Neil, daughter of the famous playwright Eugene O'Neil. But, she left him
to marry Charlie Chaplin.
In 1942, Salinger was drafted to
fight in WWII. He was active on Utah Beach on D-Day, the Battle of the Bulge,
Bloody Mortain, and the Battle of Hürtgen
Forest. While fighting, Salinger met with Hemingway and they became friends.
Hemingway said, "Jesus, he has a helluva talent." Because Salinger
was fluent in French and German he was used to interrogate the enemy, and also
helped liberate a concentration camp. While serving as a soldier, he sent a
number of stories to magazines to be published. While Colliers and the Saturday
Evening Post accepted them, The New Yorker did not.
At the end of the war, Salinger was hospitalized for stress. He later told
his daughter, "You never really get the smell of burning flesh out of your
nose entirely, no matter how long you live." Salinger then chose to stay
in Germany, working for counter intelligence, and fell in love with a German,
Sylvia Welter. They married and moved to America, but things fell apart after
eight months, and Sylvia returned to Germany.
Salinger turned to Zen Buddhism and writing, with "A Perfect Day for
Banana Fish" finally being accepted by The New Yorker, which would
publish his works exclusively from then on. Looking for more money, Salinger
sold one story "Uncle Wiggily in Connecticut" to Hollywood. The
resulting film, renamed My Foolish Heart, was so bad, and departed so
far from the original story, that Salinger vowed never to sell film rights
again, despite a great deal of pressure to adapt The Catcher in the Rye,
which became an enormous success.
In 1955 Salinger, age 36, married again, to a college student named Claire
Douglas, who dropped out, just four months shy of graduation. They had two
children, Margaret and Matthew. The couple was isolated, practicing yoga,
meditation, and a variety of new age religions. When Margaret was sick,
Salinger refused to take her to a doctor. At one point Claire was so angry, she
considered killing Margaret and herself. They divorced in 1967.
In 1972, age 53, Salinger started a relationship with 18-year-old Joyce
Maynard, after she gained fame writing stories for Seventeen magazine.
She quit Yale University, losing her scholarship, to live with him (her mom
actually encouraged her!). In her memoir, Joyce explained that after ten months
together, he, for no reason, ended the relationship, and that he was having
affairs with other young women, starting with letter writing. He said she
wanted children, and he was too old for that.
In 1988, aged 69, Salinger married a nurse named, Colleen O'Neill, age
29. This final marriage lasted until his death in 2010.
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