Epics usually
have these ten characteristics:
1. They begin
with an invocation to a muse – a god or goddess of art, for example Calliope,
goddess of poetry (múza).
2. They also
begin with a statement of the theme (téma). Homer’s Iliad combines this with the invocation, asking if the muse would
sing a song about Achilles’ anger.
3. The story
starts in the middle of the plot (dej), not the beginning.
4. They include
heroes that are virtuous (cnostný) and go on quests (výpravy).
5. The
characters travel to many different countries.
6. They use
epithets (prezývky). Homer used many, for example Zeus was the cloud gatherer.
Aphrodite was the laughter-loving. Achilles was the lion-hearted, Thetis was
silver-footed. Men were high-hearted, women were the lovely-haired, and the sea
was wine-dark.
7. They include
a long list called an epic catalogue. The list might be enemies killed, or, in
the Iliad, the number of ships that sailed to Troy .
8. They include
long, formal speeches (prehovory).
9. They include
gods and goddesses influencing life and events here on Earth.
10. They often
show the hero suffering a series of tragedies, sometimes with a happy ending,
sometimes not.

Bust of Homer, dated 2nd Century BC,
centuries after his death, a Roman copy
Homer was the
greatest Greek poet and orator of antiquity, and was called the teacher of Greece, b ut very little is known about him. No one knows exactly where he lived, or
when. Herodotus, an ancient Greek historian (called the Father of History) said that
Homer lived around 850 BC, but some ancient texts say he was much older,
near 1200 BC, the time of the Trojan War. The name Homer sounds similar in
Greek to words for “hostage” and “blind”, leading to legends about him.
Homer and his Guide, by Bouguereau (1825-1905)
The Iliad
This poem tells
the tale of the siege (obliehanie) and sack of Troy ,
by the Greek king Agamemnon. The story begins with an argument between this
king and the hero Achilles in the final year of the war (which lasted ten
years). Then it explains how the war started (Paris kidnapped Helen) and all the major
battles, such as Achilles killing Hector.
The Odyssey
This is Homer’s
sequal to the Iliad. It tells the story of the hero Odysseus, who fought with
the Greeks, and helped end the siege after ten years. It was Odysseus who thought
of making the Trojan Horse, a false gift of peace to the Trojans. Greek
warriors hid inside and opened the gates, while the Trojans were celebrating.
That’s how the Greeks won the war. The Odyssey tells of Odysseus’ ten year
journey home, after the war, to the island
of Ithica , where his wife
was waiting for him. He had to face many dangers, including cannibals, pirates,
sirens, Cyclops, drug dealing lotus eaters, and the goddess Circe, who fell in
love with him. When Oddyseus finally came home, after 20 years, everyone
thought he had died. Many men wanted to marry his wife, and they were all
waiting for her to choose one. But Odysseus forced them all to leave.
The Aeneid
This tells the
story of Aeneas, a Trojan who survived the sack of Troy ,
and travelled to Italy ,
where he defeated the Latins, and founded the Roman empire .
It was written by Virgil between 29-19 BC, hundreds of years after the event.